The Solar System Wiki

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The Solar System Wiki

Phobos, also know as Mars I, is the largest of the two satellites belonging to the inner planet of Mars. It is one of the two satellites of Mars, the other one being Deimos. It is more than seven times more massive than Deimos, and at least three times as large. Phobos has a diameter of 22.2 km (13.8 mi) and a mass of 1.08×1016 kg.

Phobos was discovered on August 17, 1877 by Asaph Hall.


Phobos was first formed in the Asteroid Belt, but possibly due to perturbations in it’s orbit by Jupiter, it was captured into orbit around Mars.


Phobos is full of craters and valleys. Impacts are very conspicuous because there is no atmosphere to protect it from impact, normal for a moon. The Stickney crater is a giant gash in the upper regions of Phobos. In the upper left of the picture on the right, you can see the Stickney crater, a crater created by a large meteorite impact.


In 15-50 million years, Phobos will come too close to Mars, passing the Roche limit. It will then become a ring around Mars that would be easily visible with binoculars from Earth.[1]



Geology of Mars
Regions Cerberus (Mars)Cydonia (Mars)Vastitas Borealis
Terrae Arabia TerraTempe TerraTerra CimmeriaTerra Sabaea
Chaos Iani Chaos
Plains Planum AustralePlanum Boreum
Mountains Olympus Mons
Valles Valles Marineris
Undae Tharsis UndaeOlympia Undae
Other Eridania Lake
Albedo Regions Sinus Meridiani
Craters GaleJezero