The Solar System Wiki

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The Solar System Wiki

Nix, also known as (134340) Pluto II is a natural satellite of Pluto. It was discovered along with Hydra (Pluto's outermost satellite) in June 2005. It was imaged along with Pluto and its other moons by the New Horizons spacecraft as it flew by the Pluto system in July 2015. Of the four small Plutonian moons the best pictures are of Nix, with resolutions as high as 330 meters per pixel.


Nix is theorized to have formed from a collision of Pluto and another kuiper belt object.


Dwarf Planet Moons
Pluto CharonNixHydraKerberosStyx
Haumea NamakaHi'iaka • (Ring System)
Makemake S/2015 (136472) 1
Eris Dysnomia
Quaoar Weywot • (Ring System)
Gonggong Xiangliu
Orcus Vanth
Salacia Actaea